Phud’s Dog Food

Phud’s Natural Dog Food 

Do you feed your pet contaminated food?

Can you see or know what you are feeding your dog?

Phud’s Food is designed to be used in conjuction with a fresh or cooked meat diet. It is made freshly on a fortnighly basis so does not sit on shelves for months or years.


Phud’s Food is a low fat, high fibre, low allergy product formulated to compliment fresh or cooked meat. It contains carbohydrates, nutrients, herbs, legumes and vegetables and is free of wheat, preservatives, flavour enhancers and additives.

  • When mixed with fresh or cooked meat, Phud’s becomes a 100% complete enriched food.
  • Owners appreciate and love the fact they can see what they are feeding their pets.
  • Dogs love and welcome the natural diet.
  • Fussy dog friendly.
  • Environmentally friendly product.




  • Supports dogs suffering skin allergy
  • Natural energy returns as a result of the nutritional herbs
  • Wheat free with no added preservatives or fl avour enhancers
  • Mobility increases, idle dogs feel like moving
  • Firmer non-smelling faeces
  • High fibre content helps to lessen anal gland build up problems
  • Strengthened immune system


  • Calmer peaceful disposition.


  • Coats soften and richer in colour.
  • Assists with the rid of smelly odour.
  • Assists weight loss

Food Analysis and Ingredients

Data is excluding meat. Fat: 0.3g, Protein: 9.9g, Energy: 1420kj.
Wholemeal of oat and barley, legume lentils, peas, carrot, psyllium husk, ground fl axseed, polenta, coconut, buck seed, king island kelp, rosa canina (rosehip herb), dandelion root (taraxacum offi cinale), calcium.
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